Niigata arawana24 GHXB in 450 Gallons Tank
arawana24 GHXB in 450 Gallons Tank
Sharing my biggest GHXB own........==comments==
Face indeed all golden. outstanding.
>Bro, your XB very nice shape..
Thanks for sharing.
Cheers mate..!!
>bro civic .. dun need to say .. you nv fail to amazed me bro
>Speechless... GH some more...
>Nice fish and shape, seemed to have red and gold aro. Cheers mate. Care to share your gold from where.
>Very nice ghxb. Well built.
>Very nice. 24" ? How big is your tank?
>Nice body shade, video abit dark. May i know what light you using ?
Thanks for sharing
>awesome ghxb
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